Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Batch #20 - Bourbon Ale

Ahhh, I do love the flavor of this beer.  It is inspired by the Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.  I have brewed this in the past (Batch #7).  When I brewed #7 I took a 10-gallon batch and split it into two 5-gallon batches, then experimented with oaking the beer different lengths.  One batch I did for 30 days, the other for 60.  There was considerably more vanilla and whiskey flavor in the 30 day than the 60 day.  The 60 day the flavors were more subtle and there was more straight oak and tannin flavors.  With that knowledge in hand, I am doing this one for 30 days.

The recipe is based on an Irish Red Ale recipe, and this time had some small variances from the last.  Also this time I only brewed a 5-gallon batch.  Here is the recipe:

12 lbs  - US 2-Row
1.23 lbs - Crystal Malt 40L
1.23 lbs - Briess Carapils
14.8 Oz- White Wheat Malt

Mash was a 90 minute mash at 150 degrees with 21.27 quarts of water.  We mashed out at 170 degrees and Sparged for 60 minutes.

0.53 Oz- Goldings, East Kent - 90 minutes
0.54 Oz - Fuggles - 45 Min
0.27 Oz - Fuggles - 15 Min
1 each - Whirfloc Tablets 15 Min

Boil was for 90 minutes.

Wyeast 0007 - Dry English Ale

Fermentation at 64 degrees for 2 weeks.  Then racked to secondary, moved to 70 degree environment and pitched the oak.

This time around I have been keeping American Oak Medium Charred spirals on Woodford Reserve for months, so I only needed to pitch one of the spirals.

I left the oak on for 30 days, then kegged.  So far I have had this in the keg for about a week and only took a brief sample and boy were the flavors great.  I am going to let that condition for a few more weeks then go ahead and start drinking it for real.

In general this brew I did not hit my numbers or my efficiency.  I'm not sure why, but not too worried based on what I've tasted so far.  Learning something new each day...

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