Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Little Behind

Well mine is not so little, but I am behind in my posts!  Due to some life events I have recently slowed in my brewing, and for certain my posts, however it is picking back up now.  I am taking this opportunity to post a quick update.

First let me tackle brewing.  I have brewed two batches since the last post.  One batch was my Bourbon Aged Ale which I just recently kegged, and the other the Firecracker Ale for the 4th of July.  I will post some reviews and pictures on these later along with the recipes.

Now I can announce the fun news.  I placed Best in Show at the Kohler Festival of Beer in their Homebrew competition! 


It was Batch# 14 that won, and the recipe and brew day was logged here:


What also scored very well was Batch# 15 the Scotch Ale.  The BJCP judges gave that a 44!  Here is that recipe and brew day:


All great news and very encouraging.  I look forward to entering more competitions!

The next few weeks will be packed with some good brewing.  I want to redo both Batch #14 and #15 again since they scored so well.  This time for Batch #14 I will make a 10 gallon batch, and split up the fermentation into two 5-gallon batches.  I will then take one of those and play with adding vanilla.  I have always loved a good vanilla cream ale, so this sounds like fun.

I also have on the horizon an Imperial IPA, and an Oktoberfest.  Going into July I need to get that Oktoberfest started so it will be ready in time (probably should have started even sooner).

I brewed over this last weekend my Barley Wine, so I will post those details shortly.  More to come...

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