Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend of Bottling and Kegging

This is the first weekend we took off from brewing. However there was no shortage of work to complete! We had four carboys ready for kegging today. That is a lot of cleaning, sanitizing, etc... I actually had to purchase two more kegs on Friday so I would have enough kegs.

I am getting ahead of myself though. First let me say that Batch #1 was finally ready to drink this weekend. The weather here was perfect, so Friday after work I opened the garage door, and the beer was flowing. Most of my neighbors stopped by for a sample, or two, or three. We were out there until around 11pm, it was great. Feedback was very positive!

Saturday I needed to free up some kegs, and clean out the two new ones I bought on Friday. I bottled the last of the British Brown Ale, which only had about 4 bottles left in it. Then I bottled the last of keg 1 from Batch #1. To my surprise we only had about 10 beers left! We really went through a lot!

Today was all about cleaning the kegs, kegging, and transferring Batch #4 to secondary. The tasting notes from the batches we kegged today are as follows:

  • Batch #2 - This batch was split and fermented with two different yeasts, an American Ale yeast and American Ale II yeast. Visually the American Ale yeast looked great, it had really cleared out. The American Ale II yeast though was still cloudy. Tasting of the two was ok, but there was an odd finish to both. Am hoping that is going to settle out as it conditions.
  • Batch #3 - This beer really changed its flavor from last week when we transferred. It has lost a bit of its sweetness, and gained some good hops from dry hopping. We did not split this batch so both 5-gallon carboys have the same ingredients.
  • Batch #4 - We transferred this into secondary today. Tastes a bit sweet like Batch #3 did at this stage. Am doing a little something different for dry hopping this time, am going to us a mesh bag to hold the hops so hopefully they fully submerge into the carboy.
Cleaning Kegs

Transfer of Batch #2 to Kegs
Next weekend we will be brewing our Banana Ale. Already looking forward to the next brew day! We will also have two more kegs to do. The beer is backing up!

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