Sunday, September 2, 2012

Upcoming Schedule of Brews

We are trying to plan out our next several brews.  This helps us identify what ingredients we can buy in bulk, as well as work out schedules of fermenter use and ready to drink dates.  With holidays coming up in several months, you have to start planning now!  Here is what we have so far:

  • Little Sumpin Sumpin Clone - To finish off Summer right!
  • Banana Ale - The always elusive banana ale recipe we keep trying.
  • Pumpkin Ale - Yum
  • Strong Belgian Ale - Haven't determined what kind yet.
  • Holiday Ale - A nice brew we made last year for the holidays with lots of flavor.
  • Stout - Haven't determined what kind yet.
Since we are brewing about every other week, this is about 3 months of brewing.  As there is about a one month turn around time on brewing to drinking, that means the last beers won't be ready to drink for 3-4 months, which puts us right at the holidays and winter.

After we get all these brews under our belt we may start a lager which takes much longer to make.  Lagering a beer is going to be a little tricky as you have to keep at cold temps for extended periods of time.  Since we brew 10 gallons at a time, that means we have 2 carboys of beer to keep cold during this process.  Doing this in the winter time gives us a few more options as the garage will be cold all day and night.  We'll see though if that makes sense when the time comes.

Today's brew, Little Sumpin Sumpin!

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