Sunday, December 9, 2012

Batch #8 - Holiday Prowler Ale Revisited

After making Batch #6, we felt though a good beer, it didn't hit the flavor profile we were looking for.  The very successful Holiday Prowler Ale from last year was an extract based recipe, so we needed to make an all-grain version of this.  Our tasting notes of Batch #6 are that it is a little too dark, there is too much Chocolate Malt on the front end, and the spices (we think later identified as Allspice) we too much.  With that said we wanted to reduce the Chocolate Malt, and the spices.

In working Batch #6's amounts, I allowed my software to increase the amounts based on a 12 gallon brew.  In reality we try to end up with 12 gallons at the end of the boil, but are ultimately only trying to make 10 gallons.  You will lose some in the transfer as you can't get it all, and the beer will shrink a bit when it goes from 210 degrees to 65 degrees.  Later you will lose a bit more when you transfer to secondary because yeast and proteins settle down to the bottom which is about .5" thick.  With all that said the software took what should have been 5 units for a 5 gallon batch, and made it 12 units.  This really added 20% more spices/etc.  than was probably needed.  We dialed it down to be based on 10 gallons this go around.

Lastly we think we also made three mistakes during the first batch we made.  I think we forgot to take out the chlorine of our water.  We also forgot to use Molasses as the recipe calls for, in my converting I forgot to include that ingredient.  In addition we think we pitched all the spices at the start of the brew last time, and not just the last 15 minutes.  We don't remember that last part for sure, but we do remember smelling the wonderful smell of spices for a long time that day.

Here is the revised recipe:

20 lbs - US 2-Row
2 lbs - Crystal Malt 80L
1.5 lbs - Crystal Malt 20L
.5 lbs - Chocolate Malt
3 lbs - Clove Honey
4 oz - Molasses

Additives - To be added in last 15 minutes of boil
8 - Cinnamon Sticks
1 tsp - Nutmeg
2 - Vanilla Beans split lengthwise
3 tsp - Cloves (whole, not ground)
14 each - Allspice (whole, not ground)
4 each - Zest of Orange
2.5 tsp - Irish Moss

2 oz - Cluster - 45 Min
2 oz - Willamette - 15 Min

We mashed for 60 minutes with 30 qt of water at 152 degrees.  After 60 min we brought up to 170 degrees to mash out and sparge.  In total we brought over 14.5 gallons of wort for then a 60 minute boil.  You start for 15 minutes with nothing but the sugars in adding the Honey and Molasses.  We then add the Cluster hops 15 minutes in, then 45 minutes in we add the spices and remaining hops.

The color was looking much better this time, closer to last year.  I think we also really identified the proper differences from the last batch and corrected for this batch.  I think it will end up being much smoother as we are going for, and delicious!

Here are the specs:

IBU's - 24.86
Color - 17.3 SRM
Calories - 215 per 12 oz
Estimated OG - 1.066
Actual OG - 1.069
Estimated FG - 1.016
Estimated ABV - 6.55%
New Estimated ABV from Actual OG - 6.94%

We do our calculation based on an 83% efficiency of our system.  The software is telling us we hit 88% efficiency.  I suspect the higher rating, which also resulted in a higher OG, due to the honey and molasses and how the software is calculating.  It is always possible we are getting more efficient, but I suspect not that much.

Because of all the flavors in this batch, it does well to sit and age for a while.  We still have a few more weeks to X-Mas, so our current batch that is drinkable now should only get better.  This batch won't be ready to drink at its soonest 12/29, but will be at its best a few weeks after that.

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