Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welome to Relativity Brewery!

Welcome to the new home site for Relativity Brewery!  This is where we will capture the birth, and growth of our new brewery.  We are in our infancy, and like an infant we have a lot to learn.  As they say though, it is about the journey, not the destination.  We are ready for a fun and wild ride!

Who we are
My name is Jeremy, and my Brother-in-Law Sam and I will be working through plenty of ideas and recipes to come up with some great brews.  We of course are also well supported by our loving wives, without them none of this would be possible.

What we are starting with
We recently completed the build of our new electric brew system.  We built this from the plans Kal has posted online at  If you have not checked them out, you should!  Our goal was to build a system on par with most pilot systems.  These systems allow solid control over each step of the brew day process.  This will allow us to repeat recipes with greater consistency.

What are we going to brew
Who knows!  Since neither of us have gone to brewing school, this means a lot of self-study, and more importantly practice.  We read through all the regular forums, and have ready the must reads for most home brewers.  There is still a lot for us to learn though.  Point being there is going to be some wandering in this process while we figure out what we like, and how to distinguish ourselves.  Our goal will be to find a core group of recipes that make a regular rotation that we feel are fine tuned.  If we are able to put 3-4 of these together, who knows maybe we will try to take this up a notch and try to get it in some restaurants here in town!

Feedback welcome
Should this site actually get read by more people than just our immediate family members, we welcome feedback!  We will post the recipes we try, our observations, and even tasting notes.  Basically we are looking to capture the entire experience of brewing, and share that with others.  We are firm believers that the best ideas are not born out of a vacuum, creativity is sparked by networking.

Thanks for taking a look at our site!

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